Bangalore, India


The Electroplating and Surface finishing experts


Fully automatic plating line

The fully automatic plating line is PLC based system which monitors the temperature, concentration, and other parameters of the plating solutions and adjusts them as needed. The line consists of a series of tanks and a conveyor system that moves the parts through the tanks. This line produces high-quality, uniform coatings on metal parts. They offer advantages over manual plating processes, such as increased efficiency, reduced labor costs, and improved product quality and consistency.

Fully automatic drying system

Drying is an important step in the electroplating process as it helps to ensure that the plated parts are free from moisture and are ready for further processing or use. The fully automatic drying system ensures that the parts are not damaged, offers better safety than a manual drying system and being an automatic line fully minimizes human interference in the process.

Fully equipped chemical lab

We have a fully equipped chemical lab for developing, analyzing and optimizing plating solutions and ensuring that they meet quality and performance standards. The chemical lab is equipped with a range of analytical instruments, such as spectrophotometers, titrators, and pH meters, as well as eye wash stations. The lab is operated by trained and qualified chemists who follow proper safety procedures to ensure that the electroplating process is both efficient and safe.

Chemical store

Included in our infrastructure is a state-of-the-art chemical store that is used to store chemicals and other raw materials used in the electroplating process, in a safe way. We follow the First In First Out system (FIFO) to to manage the inventory of plating chemicals and other materials. The chemical store is located in a secure area away from heat, ignition sources, and other hazards, and acid-proof tiles are laid to prevent spills and leaks.

Exhaust ducts and wet scrubber – Environmental compliance

We are environmentally committed, responsible and meet the mandatory environmental regulatory compliances laid out in our consent issued by the State Pollution Control Board. The exhaust ducts are connected to the required tanks to carry the chemical fumes and feed it to the inlet of the wet scrubber that removes pollutants from the air by scrubbing action and lets out pure air from the scrubber outlet.

Hazardous waste storage – Environmental compliance

The hazardous waste generated from the process are stored safely in a dedicated hazardous waste storage area and is stored in compliance with KSPCB regulatory rules and requirements. The hazardous waste storage area is designed to prevent leaks and spills, and is equipped with secondary containment systems. All containers of hazardous waste are labeled and stored according to their compatibility and hazard classification. Hazardous waste generated are disposed of in accordance with the KSPCB rules and regulations.

Effluent tank and RO system – Environmental compliance

An effluent tank built with the proper specifications is installed to collect and hold wastewater produced by the electroplating process. For a continuous supply of RO water, a modern technology RO plant is setup in the backyard of our facility.

DM Plant

A DM Plant is built with the proper specifications with a capacity of 1000 litres / hour.

A dedicated visual inspection room

The infrastructure includes a dedicated visual inspection room equipped with good lighting and ventilation for visual inspection of components. A team of inspectors work in this area who are well trained to identify any visual defects in the plated components.


X-ray Fluorescence tester (XRF)

A modern non-destructive technology XRF machine is used for elemental analysis, particularly to check the thickness of the coating of a plated component.

In-house salt spray test chamber

To test the long-term effects of salt on the plated components a salt spray test chamber has been installed in a dedicated area in the plant. The test results are used to determine the effectiveness of the coating in protecting the substrate from corrosion. The length of the test depends on the application and industry standards, and can range from a few hours to several weeks.